3-4 Trades LLC | TopstepRevenge50K | |All Ch|Edit

Today is: Mon Dec 23
Thu Nov 28,All Day,Thanksgiving
Wed Dec 25,All Day,Chrismast
Tue Dec 31,All Day,New Years Eve

My Current Stats

PnL (Gross) $9.50
Total Fees $-202.74
PnL Net $-193.24
Current Daily Average $0.00 | Target [$100.00]
Total Trading Days 6 Days / 30
Total Green Days 3: $214.26
Total Red Days 3: $-407.50
Total Trades 0
Total Winning Trades 0
Total Losing Trades 0
The [Topstep] Rules
Target $3000.00
Current -193.24 / $3000.00
Remaining $3193.24
Max Trade Loss $1000
Max Acct Loss $2000 EOD [Trl]
Daily Consistency Rule 50% of $3000 [or $1500]
Payout Rule 5 Day @ $200+ =$1000+, [50% or $500]
DCA Rule None
Timing Rule None
Sizing Rule -$1500 = 2, $1500 to $2000 = 3, $2000+ = 5
3-4 Trades LLC Rules View

$-17.04 Fees

A New Day

Sat Nov 23 | $-107.54 [0.00 C]

How was your day? What could you have done better?

$-18.46 Fees

A New Day

Thu Nov 21 | $-101.46 [0.00 C]

How was your day? What could you have done better?

$-28.40 Fees

A New Day

Wed Nov 20 | $71.60 [0.00 C]

How was your day? What could you have done better?

$-94.82 Fees

A New Day

Tue Nov 19 | $117.18 [0.00 C]

This is why I love 3-4. I was about to go on a tilt but got

$-8.52 Fees

A New Day

Mon Nov 18 | $25.48 [0.00 C]

How was your day? What could you have done better?

$-35.50 Fees

A New Day

Fri Nov 15 | $-198.50 [0.00 C]

The Market was already down 400 points. I still went short 5